
Do you want to buy this issue?

For students
For teachers

Or subscribe to the magazine and get this issue and following 3 issues for the better price.

You will get issues 04/2020, 01/2021, 02/2021 and 03/2021.

For students
For teachers

Accepted payment method: Credit & debit cards. After submitting an order you will be redirected to the GoPay payment gate. Upon payment you will receive the download link for PDF file by email and it will be also available in your account.

Teacher Version: The buyer gains the permission to make copies of texts for the purpose of using them in language lessons. In addition to the magazine, the Teacher version includes Teacher’s Manual with 3 lesson plans based on arcticles from the magazine.

Topic: How

There are texts and exercises for all levels in the AHOJ magazine and we hope that you will enjoy reading the magazine and learning Czech.

Number of pages: 32
Publication date: 31/12/2020



Magazine sample

Do you have troubles with your credit card? Please, contact us. We also accept payments by bank transfer.

Teacher’s Manual

It includes 3 lesson plans based on arcticles from the magazine:
Jak trénovat paměť – blue (A2)
Čeština v Sokole Minnesota – yellow (B1)
Jak upéct perníčky? – blue (A1-A2)


Ptáme se Googlu / Aktuality z České republiky / yellow – a record
Jak se volí v Česku / Život v České republice / red
Jak se čeština podobá ostatním slovanským jazykům / Gramatika / yellow
Jak se žije za covidu / Život v České republice / blue
Jak se udržet fit / Fotoslovník / yellow
Jaká je rouška / Čeština pro děti a rodiče / blue
Jak se žilo za komunismu / Život v České republice / red
Jak trénovat paměť / Rozhovor / blue
Milan Kundera / Česká literatura / red
Čeština v Sokole Minessota / Studentská rubrika / yellow
Čeština jako dědictví / Rozhovor / red
Jak se učit česky v zahraničí / Čeština v zahraničí / yellow
Jak to vidí… / Aktuality z České republiky / red
Myslím si zvíře / Život v České republice / blue – a record
Jak utopit dr. Mráčka aneb Konec vodníků v Čechách / Český film / red
Jak upéct perníčky? / Receptář / blue
Jak se do lesa volá / Česká fráze v obrázku / red