Terms and conditions


I Basic Provisions and terms
II Order and Purchase Contract
III User Account
IV Privacy and data protection
V Price and payment method
VI Copyright
VII Complaint Procedure
VIII Final Provisions

I Basic provisions and terms
1.1 These General business Terms and Conditions of Study Czech s.r.o., Katov 90, 594 55 Katov, Czech Republic, Identification number/IČO: 06371493, registered in the Register of Companies in the Regional Court in Brno, part C, inset 101657 (hereinafter the “Seller”) regulate the mutual rights and obligations between the seller and the buyer arising from the purchase contract (hereinafter the “Purchase Contract “) concluded between the seller and another person (hereinafter the” Buyer “or” User “) through the online shop of the seller. The online store selling runs on a website located on the Internet at www.casopis-ahoj.cz.
1.2 Subject of purchase -the subject of purchase according to these general terms and conditions is: periodic publications in electronic form in .pdf format.
1.3 The Buyer sending the order to the Seller confirms that they are familiar with the contents of the general business conditions and their contents is deemed clear and understandable. These terms and conditions are an integral part of the purchase contract.
1.4 The provisions of the general terms and conditions are written in the Czech language and likewise the sales contract is concluded in the Czech language. This English version is unofficial and translated only for information purposes.
1.5 Complaints are governed by the Complaints Procedure, which is part of these terms and conditions and the relevant provisions of the Civil Code.

II Order and Purchase Contract
2.1 The Buyer is entitled to buy based on a purchase order an electronic book by downloading from the user’s account on www.casopis-ahoj.cz. In the case of buying a publication that will be released in the future, it will be available for downloading from the user’s account on a predetermined date.
2.2 All orders placed through the online shop on the website www.casopis-ahoj.cz are binding.
2.3 For an electronic order to be valid, the e-mail address, name and surname of the Buyer must be filled in. The Buyer is responsible for the accuracy of the data provided.
2.4 The order can therefore only rarely be cancelled and always with the consent of the Seller. A request for cancellation must be communicated by e-mail without undue delay.
2.5 After submitting an order the Buyer shall pay in the prescribed manner the price requested by the Seller for downloadable electronic publications.
2.6 Upon payment the Buyer will be able to download the electronic publications from the user’s account. In the case of buying a publication that will be released in the future, it will be available for downloading from the user’s account on a predetermined date. The Buyer will be informed by e-mail about the availability for downloading.

III User Account
3.1 The User is entitled to use the services of the provider listed on the site only if they have established “user account”. The user account will be established by the service provider based on registration data provided by the User in their order. After registration the service provider will inform the User by e-mail about their unique login name and password, which are a prerequisite for the use of a user account.
3.2 The User acknowledges that the service provider is not in any way responsible for the use of username or password by a third party.
3.3 The User agrees that in the case of any misuse of username or password by a third party they will notify the service provider of this fact in writing of without delay. Upon receipt of such information, the service provider will block the user account.
3.4 The User acknowledges that, they are responsible for the actions carried out by a third party using their login and password.
3.5 The User acknowledges that in the event of a breach of the obligations arising from the contractual relationship with the service provider, including these GTC service provider is entitled to withdraw from the contract with the user and to restrict user access to user account.
3.6 The User acknowledges that the service provider is entitled to suspend without compensation access a user account in order to perform the necessary repairs or maintenance of the hardware and software.

IV Privacy and data protection
4.1 According to the General Data Protection Regulation valid from May 25th, 2018 onward, we can process your personal data when there’s a genuine reason to do so, and it must be one of the following:
• to fulfill any contract that we have with you
• we have a legal obligation
• where you have consented to the processing
• when it is in our legitimate interest
• when it is in the public interest
• when it is in your vital interests

4.2 Legitimate interests
1. When we have a business or commercial reason to process your Personal Data this is referred to as a legitimate interest. Your Personal Data is still protected and we must not process it in a way that would be unfair to you or your interests.
2. If we do use legitimate interests as a reason to process your Personal Data we will tell you that we are doing so, what our legitimate interests are and provide you with a method to raise any questions or objections you may have. However, compelling grounds for processing such information may over-ride your right to object.

4.3 Storing and processing your personal data
1. Whenever your data is kept by Study Czech s.r.o. we will ensure that it is appropriately protected and only used for acceptable purposes. We will keep your data for the period that you are a customer of Study Czech s.r.o. If you are no longer a customer of Study Czech s.r.o., we will keep your data for the minimum length of time required to comply with the purposes set out in this policy and relevant legal or regulatory obligations. Your personal data may be kept longer if we cannot delete it for technical reasons.
2. We process your personal data for the following activities of Store.artemira.eu in our legitimate interest, as follows:
• managing customer relationships
• create and develop marketing campaigns to emphasize the value of our products and services to our customers
• provide support for our products and services
• respond to customer complaints
• prevent and detect improper use of our services
• manage our finances
• fulfill our obligations as an accountable and responsible organization
• ensure corporate governance and compliance to all legal and regulatory obligations

4.4 Study Czech s.r.o. agrees to not give customers’ personal data to any third parties.

4.5 The information and data about you which we may collect, use and process includes the following:
• information that you provide to us by filling in forms on the Website or any other information you submit to us via the Website or email
• records of correspondence, whether via the Website, email, telephone or other means
• your responses to surveys or customer research that we carry out
• details of the transactions you carry out with us, whether via the Website, telephone or other means
• details of your visits to the Website including, but not limited to, traffic data, location data, weblogs and other communication data.

4.6 The entity responsible for the customers’ personal data is Study Czech s.r.o.

4.7 The customer has the right and possibility to view and update their personal data, as well as the right to request the removal of any personal data. In case the customer would like to have their personal data removed, they need to contact our customer service. Other customer rights related to their personal data include:
• withdrawing your previously granted consent; however, this will not invalidate any previously consented processing
• lodging a complaint with any relevant Data Protection Authority
• access to your Personal Data that we hold or process
• correction of any Personal Data that is incorrect or out of date
• erasure of any Personal Data that we process
• restrict processing of your Personal Data in certain circumstances
• asking us to provide you or another company you nominate with certain aspects of your Personal Data, often referred to as ‘the right to portability’
• the ability to object to any processing data where we are doing it for our legitimate interests
• the ability to contest a decision made entirely by automated processing, to express your point of view and to request that a human review the decision

V Price and payment method
5.1 The prices for downloadable electronic publications are listed on www.casopis-ahoj.cz. Prices shown include all related charges. The offer and prices will remain in effect during the period when the goods are displayed on the e-shop.
5.2 Method of Payment – Payment is to be made in advance via the payment gateway GoPay, which allows payment by credit card. In no case does Casopis-ahoj.cz have access to information on credit card customers.
5.3 The Buyer shall receive confirmation of payment within 14 days of payment for the order.

VI Copyright
6.1 Electronic publications offered for download on www.casopis-ahoj.cz are copyrighted works, which can be used only in accordance with the Copyright Act no. 121/2000 Coll ..
6.2 The Buyer is entitled to use an electronic book obtained by downloading from the website of the seller only for personal use and the buyer may not use it in order to obtain direct or indirect economic or commercial advantage or to supply it to a third party or use it in any other way.

VII Complaint Procedure
7.1 Quality guarantee
1. In the event that there is a fault in the electronic publication during the warranty period, the buyer can exercise his legitimate claim.
2. The warranty period is 24 months and commences on the day of downloading the electronic publication.
7.2 The rights under the guarantee
The Buyer has the guarantee:
• if the fault can be repaired, the right to a free, fair and timely removal of the fault and access to the repaired publication in electronic form; if, due to the disproportionate nature of the defect, such a procedure is not possible, the right to a reasonable discount on the purchase price or the right to withdraw from the contract,
• if a non-repairable fault is preventing proper use, the right to the replacement of the defective electronic publication or the right to withdraw from the contract,
• in the case of repairable faults occurring in greater numbers and repeatedly preventing proper use of electronic publications, the right to exchange, or the right to withdraw from the contract,
• in the case of other non-repairable faults and the requirement to exchange things, the right to a reasonable discount on the purchase price or the right to withdraw from the contract.
7.3 Handling of Complaints
1. The Buyer may submit a complaint by using one of the following options:
• e-mail the Seller: ahoj@casopis-ahoj.cz,
• send by mail to the Seller: Study Czech s.r.o., Katov 90, 594 55 Katov, Czech Republic.
2. The Seller is to confirm to the Buyer in writing (e-mail) when the Buyer submitted the complaint, what the content of the complaint was and how the Buyer wants the complaint to be dealt with.
3. The Seller shall decide on the complaint within 5 working days and inform the Buyer by e-mail unless agreed otherwise with the Buyer.
4 Complaints of faults will be settled without undue delay, no later than one month from the date of complaint, unless the Seller and the Buyer agree otherwise. If the Seller rejects the complaint as illegitimate, the Seller is obliged by the same deadline to give a reason for rejecting the claim.
5. The period of a claim, until it has been dealt with by the Seller is not included in the warranty period. After the expiry of the time limit for handling a complaint, the buyer has the same rights as if there was a fault that cannot be repaired.
7.4 The buyer has the right to return the product within 14 days of purchase if it has not downloaded. In this case, the cost will be refunded to their account.

VIII Final Provisions
8.1 These terms and conditions apply as stated on the website of the Seller www.casopis-ahoj.cz at the moment of sending an electronic order by the Buyer and are binding during the whole period of the processing of a specific order of the Buyer, including a complaint during the warranty period if necessary.
8.2 These terms and conditions are displayed on the website of the Seller, and it is therefore possible for them to be archived and reproduced by the Buyer.
8.3 Relations between the Seller and the Buyer (User) are governed by Czech law and any disputes will be decided by the competent court. The Buyer can contact a trade regulatory or state supervisory body with any complaint.
8.4 If the Seller and the consumer do not agree in the case of a dispute on an acceptable compromise, the consumer may turn to the Czech Trade Inspection Authority (department ADR) with a proposal to launch an out-of-court procedure. Particulars of the proposal, description of the processs and other information related to out-of-court procedures can be found on the website www.coi.cz.
Consumers can also use the platform for online dispute settlement, which is established by the European Commission at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.
8.5 These terms become effective on May 20, 2018, and the seller reserves the right to make changes without prior notice.